As the clock strikes 8:00 a.m., the day begins for Dominika, a dedicated Senior Scrum Master, with a mix of excitement and focus. For her, every day is an opportunity to showcase the power of Agile and Scrum in steering projects towards success. But what does it actually mean to be a Scrum Master?
In recent years, many organizations have been confronted with higher costs for, for example, energy, materials and people. Working smarter and striving for improvement and growth are of great importance.
I asked the team, what value of the workshops they see, and they all said: 'We need to ask more questions'. They know, they need to change their behavior in order to improve. And to be honest, it was worth it to be wrong. The lesson I learnt is not to assume. Just ask.
Scrum is for the team, so if one person says: ‘I do not care how, but we have to implement it’, it means nothing. And if you think, I am wrong, just ask the team.