SIENN x BrandBikes Corporate bicycles with a focus on social responsibility

Social responsibility: a hot topic in today's business world.

A topic that demands attention and, in our opinion, a unique project. For this project, we reached out to bicycle manufacturer BrandBikes. We discussed the possibilities for designing and producing corporate bicycles that are not only functional but also seamlessly integrate with SIENN’s brand identity. All with the main goal of providing our employees with the opportunity to engage in sustainable practices. A great start to taking our social responsibility!

Complete production of corporate bicycles in a social workshop

BrandBikes’ production takes place in Amsterdam, where the social enterprise Pantar is part of the production chain. Pantar provides employment for people who would find it difficult to enter the job market without this learning and working environment. BrandBikes are carefully and skillfully assembled by individuals who, for various reasons, may not be immediately employable in regular jobs. Through personal guidance, they are prepared for a smooth return to the job market. This adds a unique dimension to the production process and contributes to social inclusivity. Moreover, it promotes fair opportunities for everyone participating in society.

We believe this is a unique concept that fully aligns with SIENN’s mission and core values. At SIENN, we aim to provide services while simultaneously making a sustainable and meaningful difference in everything we do.

In line with the brand identity

BrandBikes has professionally integrated our brand identity into the bicycles. They are executed in white and magenta: SIENN’s colors. The mudguards are also painted in SIENN’s brand colors, making each bicycle not only a functional means of transportation but also a visual extension. As a result, they have become an indispensable and integral part of our corporate image. The bicycles are also equipped with a wooden crate bearing the precision-lasered SIENN logo. We use the bicycles with pride on a daily basis. They are used for local commuting in Nijmegen, for small errands, or for refreshing rides. Everyone present in the office is welcome to use them. It’s not just about branding; it’s also a significant contribution to the fitness and well-being of our employees.

The importance of corporate social responsibility

An important aspect of this project was Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By undertaking socio-economic initiatives as a company, such as supporting local communities, promoting fair labor conditions, and investing in education, we contribute to a positive social impact. This is an essential aspect for SIENN Living Online Technology.

It seamlessly aligns with SIENN’s business philosophy and also emphasizes the importance of social involvement and sustainability within a company. The collaboration between BrandBikes and SIENN goes beyond designing and producing corporate bicycles. It’s a statement through which companies with CSR initiatives can have a positive impact on society and the environment. This collaboration is not only an example of craftsmanship but also of social involvement, sustainability, and creating opportunities for everyone.

“BrandBikes has created some awesome corporate bicycles for us that perfectly match our corporate identity. Besides making a great contribution to society, we have fantastic traditional Dutch bicycles that add fantastic color to the streets. The collaboration with BrandBikes and SIENN, from design to the delivery of the bicycles, was excellent!” – Petra Thijssen, Assistant Controller at SIENN